Getting Your Roof Ready For Spring

It’s that time of the year when the snow is melting and preparations for spring and summer are on the minds of home owners. Your roof is a large part of your house, and keeping it in tip top shape is important. Especially when Alberta thunderstorms are ahead of us. Here are some tips to help you get started on your roof this spring:

Clean out your gutters:

Winter can bring just as much buildup in your gutters as summer can. So its important to get them cleared so they can handle the precipitation and hail. Bogged down gutters can lead to roof repairs faster than any other problems.

Check your roof for damage or means to upgrade:

As the snow is melting, you may notice water dripping down between your shingles and eaves trough. This most likely means that there was no drip edge installed. Drip edge is a key component to any roof system, it prevents any further damages caused by water or even small animals.

Get an inspection by a professional:

Your roof should get inspected by a professional roofer every year. A professional roofer has a trained eye to spot areas of weakness, leaks and anything else out of the ordinary.

Consider a roof replacement:

Over time, UV rays slowly break down roofing material, which means that if you have heavy moss growth, multiple leaks, or missing shingles, it may be time for a roof replacement. Upgrading your roof will save you money in the long run, increase your home value, and improve your home’s appearance.

Interested in getting a quote for your roofing services? Contact us 780-884-8785 or [email protected]

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